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White swan of the waters, white swan of the land. A feathered body of grace equal to its fierceness in the gliding travels over water to water's edge and onto hardening land. A transitional bird—one who does not fly high in sky but meets its solid elements in a low-flying trajectory when out of the comfort of its homing swim. An elegant battle between wild ferocity and quiet graces with long figuring neck and sharp beak of contrasting beauty—watchful gleam in eye, observable decisiveness in her gaze to be still or to be flighty.

Looped in white lace for hanging on a tree-branch or knob or hook.

A collected porcelain 'Little Critters' swan marked with LC making up a broader collection of creatures for ornamental displayed hangings...


White swan measures just over an inch and hangs from a two inch cutting of vintage lace

Hand-crafted by Floating Over Wicklow


Will be shipped carefully and thoughtfully

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White Swan



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